miércoles, octubre 25, 2006

A small victory.

Well last night before I was headed off for another night in at church I herd the sounds of guitar cords being strummed. Normally I don’t pay any attention to it and just keep on doing what I am doing. But this time it was a bit different. Instead of a hymn song I herd the rhythm of a song that I recognized.

I put down my book and walked upstairs towards the sounds of this oh so sweet song. I walk in the kitchen and he was playing Santana. So I am humming the beat of the song, and he surprised to know I knew the song.

There we were walking down the street and he went down a list of musicians that enjoys listing to. From Pink Floyd, The rolling Stones, Neil Young, CCR, Buffalo Springfield, to the Bee Gees. But the two that I thought were funny for him to mention were Guns ‘n Roses and Cat Stevens.

But we made a deal. He can listen to all the music he wants, if he teaches me how to play the songs on the guitar.

Next I am going to push for less time in a church pew.

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